Tuesday, February 1, 2011


tie dying january
tie dying january
tie dying january
tie dying january

There’s nothing like the Australian sun in the height of summer, we felt it this weekend in Melbourne with 3 days of almost 40C heat. I accidentally picked the worst weekend to move house, but thanks to the help of Kane, Anton and my Dad we were able to get all my stuff moved.. ow I’m homeless and free.

These are some new textile experiments with tie-dye and printing. Looking at these photo’s they remind me of Nepalese prayer flags. Hanging out with Kane yesterday I was reminded of my desire to visit Nepal, Kane has some great tales from travelling through Kathmandu and the mountainous surrounds, hopefully I can get there on my wanderings this time, it seems like such a magical place. For now I will focus my sights on South America, Spanish and getting my new work finished to take to London..

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